Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 29-May 3

EOC Review Packet Student Pages

EOC Review Answer Key!!!!- You MUST write the answers on YOUR paper or on a separate sheet of paper! You may NOT just print the answer key and turn it for credit!

DNA-Transcription/translation review
Jeopardy Review
DNA Jeopardy

EOC review packet/Jeopardy
Cell Transport Jeopardy 1
Cell Transport Jeopardy 2

Puzzle/Game Day
Socrative.com be sure to bring your phones!

Check out the EOC review materials:
EOC Review Notes

Web-based Games
1.    The Cell Cycle Game: Read the background information or just play the game. A fun way to            review the amazing cell cycle-complete with regulator enzymes!    http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/2001/

2.    The Genetic Code: Read the background information for a better understanding of the incredible structure and function of DNA! Play the game to gain mastery of how the code works.  This will really help you when you return to CRHS rested and ready for biology!      http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/gene-code/

3.    The Cell and its Organelles: Join cells from all over at the Super Cell Academy! You’ll enjoy this great comic book style game with MegaCell!
             Cell Craft

4.    Peppered Moth Simulation: Enjoy applying the laws of natural selection! Play the     peppered moth game and complete the analysis sheet for extra credit!

5.     Tour of the Basics: This interactive tutorial is a great way to review the basics of      DNA.   Take the tour. This will definitely help with our work after the break. Take notes or just click           through-enjoy! This is an excellent review for basic content.
6.    Cells Alive: Cell Biology: Choose any of the tutorials or interactive to review concepts         related to the cell. Not as exciting as a game but some cool stuff here.       http://www.cellsalive.com/toc_cellbio.htm
7.    Biomolecule Review: While the reading level on this site is a bit much, I think you’ll be fine if you take your time and think about what you’re reading. There are practice pages and review pages. Feel free to look around.       http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/biokit/chnops.html
8.    Membrane and Transport Review: While not a game, this site has excellent graphics and animations and great concept summaries-just click on the practice and review pages! Remember, this site has tons of information-review the basics and then extend your       knowledge! http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/biomembrane1/intro.html
9.   Blood Type Game  Read the background materials and play the game. This material will help you better understand the genetics of blood types and why blood typing is important. http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/landsteiner/index.html
10DNA-The Double Helix: This game helps you to remember how the bases in DNS pair up.             Then, you use the DNA strands to determine which organism belongs to the appropriate DNA strand!

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